Skyline 776 Apartments Cleveland Celebrates Topping Out Construction Milestone

Cleveland Construction, Inc., the contractor behind the Skyline 776 Apartments project in Cleveland, Ohio, celebrated a significant construction milestone as the project reached its full height. The "Topping Out" event was held on Thursday, August 17, 2023, and was highlighted by a team lunch and a ceremonial steel beam signing by all the craft professionals building the project.
The Skyline 776 Apartments project, a 23-story mixed-use development located on Euclid Avenue in downtown Cleveland, has been a collaborative endeavor for the 25 Northeast Ohio trade partners performing work on the project. Cleveland Construction's management team, trade partners, and design teams were present at the event to celebrate with all the craft professionals who have dedicated themselves to working on the project and reaching this milestone.
The topping out marks the project reaching its full height at over 250’, and work will now focus on the building’s exterior skin and interior finishes. On July 26th, 2023, the final large concrete placement occurred on the building’s curved roof to complete the project’s superstructure. This final 170 cubic yard concrete placement was 374 days after the initial installation of the building's mat foundation that took place on July 16th, 2022.
“The steel beam signing allowed our team to leave their mark on the project,” said John Berg, Cleveland Construction’s Senior Vice President of Operations. “This beam is a testament to the dedication and skill of the construction team, and will forever be a part of the building, representing the collective commitment to deliver a quality and on schedule project to Skyline 776 Apartments.”
The "Topping Out" event not only celebrated the vertical completion of the structure but also paid tribute to the hard work, expertise, and collaboration between all the trade partners that have been integral to reaching this significant milestone.
As Cleveland Construction, Inc. concludes this phase of the Skyline 776 Apartments project, the team looks forward to the next phase of the project. The project is undergoing a phased occupancy construction process, that will allow the building's first residences to begin occupying the building's lower floors in the Fall of 2023. The entire building is scheduled to be completed in the Spring of 2025.
In the coming weeks, the project's tower crane is scheduled to be dismantled during the weekend of September 15, 2023.
Vocon is the architect and Skyline 776 Apartments, LLC is the developer.