Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center

Cleveland, Ohio

Project Overview

Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center

Cleveland Construction, Inc., was the general contractor for a complete renovation and vestibule addition of the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) facility located in Cleveland, Ohio.

This 166,721 square-foot 4-story renovation project was completed in multiple phases and scheduled around the building’s office workers and residencies that occupied the building 24-hours a day.

The interior improvements included a complete upgrade to the kitchen and basement. Interior updates were completed to the retail store, meeting rooms, kitchen, chapel, lounge, office space and the 33 existing dorm rooms that can houses up to 120 residents.

The exterior of the building included installation of new windows, restoration of the granite façade and repainting. The project also included parking lot repaving and the addition of a new vestibule with a passenger elevator.


  • Location
    Cleveland, Ohio
  • Owner
    The Salvation Army
  • Architect
    Schopfer Architects, LLP
  • Completion Date
    June 2012


Services Provided

  • General Contracting
  • Safety Management
  • Quality Assurance/ Quality Control
  • Scheduling

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