Safety Management

Safety is our top to bottom priority

You expect a safe atmosphere for everyone working in and around your project site. Cleveland’s TEAM SAFETY approach ensures it through project-specific training and by reinforcing safe practices to all managers, craft workers and subcontractors. As a result, our field superintendents are among the industry’s best safety managers, proactively preventing injuries.

But safety doesn’t stop there. We track safety performance and identify trends, allowing us to develop safety training sessions that help prevent potential incidences stemming from those trends.

Jobsite-Specific Safety Program

Before anyone begins work, jobsite-specific safety training is mandatory. Cleveland employees are thoroughly informed of the particular construction site hazards, the equipment on hand for their protection, and the strategies used to work safely. An hour-long safety video provides training for general work activity as stipulated by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Each employee is then quizzed to ensure they understand our safety program.


Through our Train the Trainer course, our managers become competent at identifying and correcting hazards so our workers and the general public are never exposed to them. Our onsite managers are then responsible for communicating safety standards to subcontractors and employees.

Trade Partner Safety

Before performing any work, all trade contractors are required to view our video covering the safety policies and procedures enforced on all Cleveland Construction jobsites.

Weekly Toolbox Talks

We continuously monitor our projects to hold safety talks related to jobsite situations. At least once a week, our field superintendents review jobsite-specific safety topics at project coordination meetings with trade contractors and vendors. Timely “toolbox talks” are arranged by our Corporate Safety Department and presented by Cleveland’s field managers and personnel.

Job Hazard Analysis

Each subcontractor is required to prepare a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) that covers their entire scope of work. Before work begins, every step related to a particular construction task is analyzed to identify potential hazards. This way, workers understand how to recognize them and mitigate them. Our superintendents are trained to lead productive JHA discussions with workers to ensure new and changing hazards are red-flagged and addressed.


This is an excerpt of Cleveland Construction, Inc.'s training video focusing on the importance of monitoring our construction sites to protect our workers and safeguard the general public. To view the complete video, please contact our Corporate Safety Director at 440-255-8000.

Safety Training

Cleveland superintendents participate twice yearly in a two-day management development training session at our corporate office. While the agenda includes a variety of policies and procedures, guest speakers, and management development, every seminar stresses safety compliance training with an emphasis on identifying and abating hazards.

Site-specific safety plans

Here’s the part where we identify those atypical safety concerns and the party responsible for addressing them. Our electronic library (E-Binder) of safety data sheets covers every product we bring to our construction sites and keeps safety central to our plan.

CPR/First Aid Training

We provide third-party certified CPR/First Aid training to ensure our team is prepared to react to any situation.

ClickSafety online training courses

Our managers participate in ClickSafety® eLearning…an OSHA-approved outreach training provider that delivers both the OSHA 10-Hour and OSHA 30-Hour safety training courses. These are great ways for our managers to refresh themselves on aspects of an upcoming job and be able to update the site-specific safety plan proactively.