K-12 Constrution Manager
Construction Manager for Kirtland High School Agility Room Addition
Cleveland Construction provided construction management services for a 2,090 square-foot addition consisting of a new agility room and 2 new public restrooms to support the football and track stadium at Kirtland High School in Kirtland, Ohio.
The new agility room addition was constructed to match the existing high school building with structural steel, exterior brick veneer, concrete slab, glass block windows, and a white PVC roof. Inside the new agility room included the installation of blue 5MM turf flooring, curb-mounted RTU heating and air conditioning, commercial lighting, and painted masonry walls with an exposed painted steel ceiling. Men's and Women's public restrooms were added near the entrance of the addition to support the football and track stadium. The restrooms included painted masonry walls with an exposed painted steel ceiling and separate HVAC electric heat.
Site work for the addition project included landscaping and a new sidewalk from the addition to the existing gated fence and continuing around the building. The addition project was completed over a 4-month construction schedule.