The Value of Keeping a Clean Construction Site

What comes to your mind when you think of a construction site?

For most of us, the answer would be something along the lines of debris, dust, waste materials, and noise, combined with machinery and workers.

Fair enough. We would be the first to admit that construction is a messy process.

While noise, machinery, and workers are always going to be part of the picture, debris, dust, and waste material cluttering the jobsite can and should be kept to a minimum.

At Cleveland Construction, we have a policy that pertains to jobsite organization and cleanliness, and we continually emphasize to our trade contractors their responsibility to keep our worksites as clean as possible. Specifically, our policy involves routinely cleaning the jobsite of scrap wood, metal, excess building materials, nails, screws, and general garbage that has accumulated each day.

Keeping the jobsite clean doesn’t require a lot of time. When completed daily at the end of the shift or several times during the week, it is time well spent. A tidy and clean jobsite shows owners and developers that we take pride in our work and are invested in their project. It gives them confidence that their project is in good hands and serves as a great advertisement for repeat business down the road!

Here are three other reasons that a clean jobsite makes sense:

Safety Hazards Are Minimized

Slips, trips, and falls are one of OSHA's Focus Four safety hazards on construction sites. Nearly one-third of reportable injuries and 40% of fatalities in construction result from these types of accidents. Good housekeeping on the jobsite is key to preventing many of these injuries. Workers should be required to keep surfaces and stairways clear of debris, to pick up after themselves, and to put away tools and equipment after use. Doing so will help keep jobsites in compliance with OSHA and local workplace safety standards and prevents workers from trip hazards.

Work Is More Efficient

Think about it...working is always going to be more efficient if you know where those tools are when you need them. The same goes for materials. Workers for each trade are most productive and efficient when they know where these items are located. Tools and materials should be kept organized and stored neatly in designated areas.

Cleanliness Means Less Waste

Waste material is minimized and workers are more productive when they are not spending valuable time rummaging through debris and materials looking for what they need. Keeping the work site clean and organized by separating true scrap from material that is still valuable and usable can reduce costly waste.

A clean workplace makes sense on so many levels. At Cleveland Construction, we see real value in keeping a clean jobsite.